This fourth of July I spent with some great friends. Why are they so great you ask? This mix of people is politically and religious just that; a mix. It is actually amazing that we can all hang out and have such different opinions on things. Gun laws, God, etc. Some of us agree on some things and others on other things, but there is always someone with the opposition. Perhaps that is why it is so fun. Ok, anyway, back to my point...
On a really small scale, really small, this is all "parties" getting along. And it doesn't seem to bother any of us on a human scale. I know people that are bothered by my views being different, so I am not so naive as to think that it would work on a bigger scale. But let's pretend...
Can you imagine? What if the political parties could civilly discuss things with one another like my friends and I do? I am sure it happens elsewhere and often, but when are we going to see this happen on the scale that will actually make a difference in our country? It is frustrating being an American citizen and seeing how our country is tearing each other apart. If we don't come to a middle ground on the petty issues we are talking about today in politics, how will we ever solve the bigger issues?
Now that I just threw a bunch of questions at you, I'll tell you what I think. Not because I think you care, but come on, you are reading my blog, right?!? Ha! Here's what I think:
On a really small scale, really small, this is all "parties" getting along. And it doesn't seem to bother any of us on a human scale. I know people that are bothered by my views being different, so I am not so naive as to think that it would work on a bigger scale. But let's pretend...
Can you imagine? What if the political parties could civilly discuss things with one another like my friends and I do? I am sure it happens elsewhere and often, but when are we going to see this happen on the scale that will actually make a difference in our country? It is frustrating being an American citizen and seeing how our country is tearing each other apart. If we don't come to a middle ground on the petty issues we are talking about today in politics, how will we ever solve the bigger issues?
Now that I just threw a bunch of questions at you, I'll tell you what I think. Not because I think you care, but come on, you are reading my blog, right?!? Ha! Here's what I think:
America argues about the wrong issues entirely to much.
We, as a whole, do not care about bigger issues (myself included). Sure, we care, but we really don't do anything about it. Some do, I wish I did. I'll be honest here, I talk a lot about what I think needs to happen, yet I don't do anything about it. Sharing memes and laughs is one thing, but does it really do anything. Hell, half of the memes I share aren't even 100% on board with my opinions. Basically, I think Americans need to pay more attention and stop worrying about who marries whom, if Paula Dean should be damned for life (Give that woman a break, she is from the South and fucking old! I do not think what she said was right, but time and context people, I digress.) or what religion is right. I think I should listen to my own advice and at the same time I kind of want to stay in my bubble, its been popped here and there, but it stays pretty safe.
Do we even want to know the things that we don't know? Do I? Is there even anything we don't know, or are our biggest issues gay marriage and gun safety? Can't we find that middle ground on these issues, which should be doing what is ethically and morally right. Or do we all just have to many differences in our ethics and morals? What do you all think?
Comment below if you have any thoughts please!
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