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To Pill or Not to Pill

Depression. What a word. This word carries so much stigma, but people really have no idea how serious the disease, not just the word, really is. Although many people have depression, which is caused by all different kinds of factors in a person’s life, most of these people are scared to be treated, or are treated incorrectly. Medicines and therapy are wondrous things for people who suffer from depression, yet they are not used, or even mentioned, as often as they should be.

Medicine for depression is a slippery slope. I always felt as if medicine was just a coop out and a way for the doctors and drug companies to make money. Yes, some of the medicines are over prescribed. Not just for depression, but also for many other ailments, however, through my experience these medicines can be of a tremendous help to a person who has tried everything else. There are many things that can help to alleviate the symptoms of depression, but most of these things are not nearly as safe as most of the medication on the market.

So what brings about all these millions of depressed Americans? I believe that it is everything from stress, anxiety, to the chemicals we ingest every day. I also think that it is just more recognized in our time than it was 100 years ago. People have always been depressed. People have always suffered from stress, anxiety, and people have always tried to find some way to make these feelings go away. There has been herbal care, illegal drugs, and in the most severe cases, suicide. I stand by taking the natural route and I also have no problem with smoking a little marijuana to alleviate some of these symptoms. Unfortunately, I do not feel any of these things are a long-term cure for what is ailing most American people. Especially smoking pot. Although I believe marijuana should and will be legal someday, I do not think it is something that should be done as often as many do it. In order to alleviate the symptoms of depression, a person needs to continually smoke pot all day long, and just like many drugs, will never feel as good as they felt the first time they smoked for the rest of the day. Moreover, taking vitamins and herbs can absolutely help, but in some cases, those items may be toxic if a person does not know what or how much to take.

Basically, I am saying why take all the risks of lung cancer from smoke, or having to constantly try to keep feeling good all day? Why take the chance that the herb a person takes is not the right one? Why not take a pill that is garunteed to help (after the right one is found) and eventually feel even, and dare I say happy, at a constant rate? I understand the "no pills, they are bad" way of thinking. I use to think that way as well. Until I decided I could not live with the anxiety I felt on a daily basis (that I would drink away) and talked to a professional about it. The first pill I tried was awful and I felt completely numb and did not care about anything or anyone. I went back to the doctor and told him what I was feeling and that this was the reason I did not want to take these drugs in the first place. He suggested I take another drug, but at a child’s dose, and within weeks I felt awesome. I did not worry about things I could not control, therefore, I felt normal again.

I am not a drug pusher by any means and I believe everyone is entitled to their own opinion on these and all matters. I just felt that I should share my thoughts and feelings on this topic.


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