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Everything Must Go

Everything Must Go, a movie starring Will Ferrell, is brilliant. Some critics, and movie watchers alike, did not have much to say about this movie, except that it was not all that good. I disagree. Ferrell is just as amazing in his dramatic acting as he is in his comedic acting. The movie is a wonderful character study of Nick Hasley (Ferrell's character).

Hasley is an alcoholic who has lost everything in a matter of days. This should not have been a surprise to him because he was pretty much asking for it with his drinking mishaps (one in particular, but I do not want to ruin the movie for anyone reading this). Throughout the movie he struggles, and eventually, at the end of the story, comes to a sort of peace.

As I said before I do not want to give too much away, but it is a must see in my book. Everything Must Go is not an action packed, special effects, film. Do not expect this at all. The movie is a brilliant story, which is told through Ferrell's character's actions. Ferrell himself makes this movie worth a view!


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