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Showing posts from April, 2011

Sweet Emotion

I was never big on family and love. I am sure there are many reasons as to why this is, but I do not wish to find those reasons. There is no use in dwelling on the past, but there is so much to look forward to in the future. As of lately it seems as if it is going to be one glorious journey to see what my future has in store! All of those years that I did not care whether I had a family or love, particularly in my early

Oh Finals.....

Finals are slowly approaching, which means I will be devoting most, if not all, of my time to my wonderful textbooks. Studying and paper writing will be consuming my next few weeks! Perhaps I will post a paper or two that I have written when all is said and done. Look forward to reading about Anxiety and Addiction, or a paper written about the effects of tobacco and alcohol advertising and whether or not I believe it should cease to exist! I will not give my opinion on that subject away yet! Until next time here's to hoping finals go smoothly!!!

Psi Chi

Today I was inducted into the International Psychology Honor Society! When I first got the email saying because of my academic record and involvement in psychology that I was invited to join this prestigious society I was very elated, but that excitement dwindled away being that the email was received a month or so before the actual ceremony.  However, the induction today brought that feeling back, and with a risk of sounding a bit over confident, I am very proud! With only a year and a half left of my undergraduate career, I am looking forward to applying for jobs and this honor will look fantastic on a resume.  Although I have changed my major to Mass Communications with a focus in Public Relations, I am still minoring in Psychology, and perhaps will even get my bachelors in the psychology field after graduating.  Either way I am extremely humbled and proud to be a member of Psi Chi!


The book "Smashed" written by Koren Zailckas is a memoir  about her abuse of alcohol throughout her teenage and young adult years.  "Smashed" is an amazing account of alcohol addiction and what it is like to be a young person involved in such an addiction.  Zailckas starts her memoir going all the way back to her junior high years when she had her first drink.  She remembers how that drink made her feel and how when other girls her age found out that she drank, they too wanted to partake, and therefore she was seen has the “cool kid”.  Her high school years lead to more drinking and partying, and eventually a trip to the hospital due to alcohol poisoning.  However, the hospital trip was not enough to make her rethink her drinking habits.  She went on to college where the drinking got even worse, but in Zailckas's mind, she was just doing what every other college student does.  Zailckas eventually realizes her drinking is out of control, but not be...

Just Hanging On.....

Everyone feels as if they are barely hanging on to life at one point of another.  Right now, I too have that feeling.  I am a thirty year-old women and have one and one half years left in college.  My boyfriend and I have a lovely apartment and we do not want for much, although we always want more.  Being in school full time has hindered my ability to work a regular forty hour a week job, but I do work about twenty and it just is not enough.  I will begin working more hours after this semester ends and I have switched my major in order to do so.  I need to graduate so I can get a job that I want, but I need to work while doing it.  Therefore, I am just barely hanging on right now.  Hanging on to what? Life? Sanity? Money? All three? The state in which I see many of the towns and people in my area are a great example of this "barely hanging on" concept.  People have been asking the question "How much more can I hang before I fall?" for ye...

The Beginning

Inspired by a friend who does a movie blog, I have decided to start my own. My blog, however, will not be about movies, but instead will just be about what ever is on my mind. Everything from movies, books, television, current and national events, and everything in between. I have a lot to say and figured why not! Although I am a very busy student, who will be done in about 1.5 years I will try to keep up on this as much as possible. Thank you to anyone and everyone who is reading this and keep it up, I promise entertainment! Also feel free to state your opinion as well....that will make it even better!!