Everyone feels as if they are barely hanging on to life at one point of another. Right now, I too have that feeling. I am a thirty year-old women and have one and one half years left in college. My boyfriend and I have a lovely apartment and we do not want for much, although we always want more. Being in school full time has hindered my ability to work a regular forty hour a week job, but I do work about twenty and it just is not enough. I will begin working more hours after this semester ends and I have switched my major in order to do so. I need to graduate so I can get a job that I want, but I need to work while doing it. Therefore, I am just barely hanging on right now. Hanging on to what? Life? Sanity? Money? All three? The state in which I see many of the towns and people in my area are a great example of this "barely hanging on" concept. People have been asking the question "How much more can I hang before I fall?" for years upon years, but there is never quite the right answer. It is a horrible feeling to have, but most people would not know what to do without that feeling. I purpose that without the feeling of "barely hanging on" many of us would feel much better than we have in years. So in order to get rid of this unwanted pest, think about things that make you hang on. Things such as your children, your partner, your best friend, and even your cat! And then realize that all of those things are worth hanging on for, and before you know it, you will be able to loosen the grip!
Recently I have seen more and more posts on social media websites about gun control, the lack there of, or there being too much. The recent shooting at an elementary school in Pennsylvania is an awful tragedy that has happened and many people believe that these kinds of incidents would not happen if guns were not allowed to be in the hands of citizens. I do not know exactly where I stand on the gun issue, but I do know that anyone who is inclined to murder a multitude of people has a mental issue, and I think that society needs to address these issues when related to guns and the well-being of all citizens.
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