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The book "Smashed" written by Koren Zailckas is a memoir  about her abuse of alcohol throughout her teenage and young adult years.  "Smashed" is an amazing account of alcohol addiction and what it is like to be a young person involved in such an addiction.  Zailckas starts her memoir going all the way back to her junior high years when she had her first drink.  She remembers how that drink made her feel and how when other girls her age found out that she drank, they too wanted to partake, and therefore she was seen has the “cool kid”.  Her high school years lead to more drinking and partying, and eventually a trip to the hospital due to alcohol poisoning.  However, the hospital trip was not enough to make her rethink her drinking habits.  She went on to college where the drinking got even worse, but in Zailckas's mind, she was just doing what every other college student does.  Zailckas eventually realizes her drinking is out of control, but not before she is involved in date rapes, horrible hangovers, and tragic losses of friends...among many other not so serious, but quite damaging ordeals.

This book is amazingly written and a wonderful account of what it is like to be a young girl with a drinking problem.  Zailckas has a way with her words and makes the reader feel as if they too are in her position during certain times in the book.  While I was reading this book, I could most certainly relate to some of the things Zailckas discusses, especially when she talks about her time in bars.  I too had a love affair with the social drinking and bar patronage in my younger years.  I could stay out all night and drink huge amounts and still be able to go to work in the morning.  Eventually, like Zailckas, I was able to see the error in my ways, but I must say, had I read this book back then it would have been of a tremendous help.  In other words, if you or someone you know has a problem with social drinking, I would suggest this book.  I would also suggest this book to anyone who is up for a good read!


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