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Showing posts from 2011

Brandles "quirky" Rammble

I like to deem myself a very friendly and understanding person who does not judge, but I often think about how others see me, and I am not sure they agree. I have quirks just like everyone else, but mine are somewhat odd, and although they even annoy me, I truly mean no harm by them.

Everything Must Go

Everything Must Go, a movie starring Will Ferrell, is brilliant. Some critics, and movie watchers alike, did not have much to say about this movie, except that it was not all that good. I disagree. Ferrell is just as amazing in his dramatic acting as he is in his comedic acting. The movie is a wonderful character study of Nick Hasley (Ferrell's character).

Holiday Schmoliday No More!

I remember as a little girl Christmas was an exciting time. My dad, mom, sister, and I would decorate the tree while listening to Christmas music. We would always go to my Grandma Bohm's house on Christmas Eve and have a wonderful dinner and see tons of family. Then on Christmas morning my little sister and I would wake up to stockings stuffed with goodness and tons of presents under the tree. After opening all of our gifts I would call my best friend Audrey and we would tell each other what we got for Christmas. Next it was off to Grandma Farmer's house for Christmas dinner with the other side of the family. It was a wonderful time of year.

Lost in American Horror

I have been excited to see the new FX show American Horror for a good month.  It premiered Wednesday, and the wait was certainly well worth it.  Although I cannot imagine this series going for many seasons, it is going to be an amazing experience watching it try.

Bereavement: A Review

I have always been a fan of horror movies. Whether the movie is a psycho- thriller, or about spirits and ghouls, I will always give it a shot. Lately, however, I have not been impressed with the newest movies to join the horror genre. I found Paranormal Activity to be a complete disappointment, and movies like The Crazies to predictable. The new Nightmare on Elm St. was decent, but still not very impressive. This past weekend I decided to rent a scary movie (to watch alone because I like too, and my boyfriend is not a fan) and I was shocked at how impressed I was.

Sad, but True

Growing up I remember thinking that my friends and I would never change.  We were always going to be friends, we would always know each other, and we would never let anything get in the way of that.  Even though I truly believed that this was the way that life would be, life happened, and certainly did not turn out like I had imagined it would.  I still have contact with most of my school friends thanks to social media, but not nearly as much as I had expected. 

To Pill or Not to Pill

Depression. What a word. This word carries so much stigma, but people really have no idea how serious the disease, not just the word, really is. Although many people have depression, which is caused by all different kinds of factors in a person’s life, most of these people are scared to be treated, or are treated incorrectly. Medicines and therapy are wondrous things for people who suffer from depression, yet they are not used, or even mentioned, as often as they should be.

Aspiring PR Specialist

Recently I have decided to promote myself with the hopes of getting an internship while I finish my degree.  Currently I am working on a web page and I also have a FaceBook page titled, Aspiring PR Specialist.  I am getting close to graduation (about 1.5 years) and I am getting excited to jump start my career.  If anyone knows any businesses looking for an intern in communications and/or PR please refer them to me. Also, if any of you out there have any advice to give me, I am all ears. Thanks for reading my blog and I promise more interesting things to come.  Below is a link to my website, but please remember it is a work in progress.

Is Murder Justifiable?

Well, I have waited long enough to discuss this topic.  First, I want to be very clear that I am glad to be an American and I would not want to live anywhere else.  Secondly, I want everyone to understand that what I am about to say is in general and not directed at anyone in particular.  With all that being said, here it goes.....


Well, I have been wanting to write about the whole Bin Laden thing and my thoughts on that, but I have changed my mind.  Instead, I am choosing to write about a little show deemed Desperate Housewives!  I know, I know, anyone reading this is thinking, "Really?", and I am here to say "YUP!"

On My Mind

Another semester down! Only one and one half years left and I cannot wait. Although I enjoy school, getting a job with better pay, and a job where I can show off my skills, is incredibly important to me. People say that I am expecting too much, but I say you truly can do whatever you set your mind too. My mind is set and there is no stopping me...... I realize that many people graduate college and end up doing nothing with their degree. I believe this is because the person is not trying hard enough. Getting a job, especially right now, is certainly rough, but it is possible. In order to get the job I want I am willing to work as hard as I can, and then some. I am aware that I might be putting a little bit of pressure on myself, but that is what it is all about! By it, I mean life, and without a little pressure to succeed, succeeding will not be in the stars....

Sweet Emotion

I was never big on family and love. I am sure there are many reasons as to why this is, but I do not wish to find those reasons. There is no use in dwelling on the past, but there is so much to look forward to in the future. As of lately it seems as if it is going to be one glorious journey to see what my future has in store! All of those years that I did not care whether I had a family or love, particularly in my early

Oh Finals.....

Finals are slowly approaching, which means I will be devoting most, if not all, of my time to my wonderful textbooks. Studying and paper writing will be consuming my next few weeks! Perhaps I will post a paper or two that I have written when all is said and done. Look forward to reading about Anxiety and Addiction, or a paper written about the effects of tobacco and alcohol advertising and whether or not I believe it should cease to exist! I will not give my opinion on that subject away yet! Until next time here's to hoping finals go smoothly!!!

Psi Chi

Today I was inducted into the International Psychology Honor Society! When I first got the email saying because of my academic record and involvement in psychology that I was invited to join this prestigious society I was very elated, but that excitement dwindled away being that the email was received a month or so before the actual ceremony.  However, the induction today brought that feeling back, and with a risk of sounding a bit over confident, I am very proud! With only a year and a half left of my undergraduate career, I am looking forward to applying for jobs and this honor will look fantastic on a resume.  Although I have changed my major to Mass Communications with a focus in Public Relations, I am still minoring in Psychology, and perhaps will even get my bachelors in the psychology field after graduating.  Either way I am extremely humbled and proud to be a member of Psi Chi!


The book "Smashed" written by Koren Zailckas is a memoir  about her abuse of alcohol throughout her teenage and young adult years.  "Smashed" is an amazing account of alcohol addiction and what it is like to be a young person involved in such an addiction.  Zailckas starts her memoir going all the way back to her junior high years when she had her first drink.  She remembers how that drink made her feel and how when other girls her age found out that she drank, they too wanted to partake, and therefore she was seen has the “cool kid”.  Her high school years lead to more drinking and partying, and eventually a trip to the hospital due to alcohol poisoning.  However, the hospital trip was not enough to make her rethink her drinking habits.  She went on to college where the drinking got even worse, but in Zailckas's mind, she was just doing what every other college student does.  Zailckas eventually realizes her drinking is out of control, but not before she is inv

Just Hanging On.....

Everyone feels as if they are barely hanging on to life at one point of another.  Right now, I too have that feeling.  I am a thirty year-old women and have one and one half years left in college.  My boyfriend and I have a lovely apartment and we do not want for much, although we always want more.  Being in school full time has hindered my ability to work a regular forty hour a week job, but I do work about twenty and it just is not enough.  I will begin working more hours after this semester ends and I have switched my major in order to do so.  I need to graduate so I can get a job that I want, but I need to work while doing it.  Therefore, I am just barely hanging on right now.  Hanging on to what? Life? Sanity? Money? All three? The state in which I see many of the towns and people in my area are a great example of this "barely hanging on" concept.  People have been asking the question "How much more can I hang before I fall?" for years upon years, but there is

The Beginning

Inspired by a friend who does a movie blog, I have decided to start my own. My blog, however, will not be about movies, but instead will just be about what ever is on my mind. Everything from movies, books, television, current and national events, and everything in between. I have a lot to say and figured why not! Although I am a very busy student, who will be done in about 1.5 years I will try to keep up on this as much as possible. Thank you to anyone and everyone who is reading this and keep it up, I promise entertainment! Also feel free to state your opinion as well....that will make it even better!!